HKS Facilities | Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport-十大彩票网投平台
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HKS Facilities

Inside of HKS Classroom.

Health, Kinesiology and Sport Department Facilities

The Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Classrooms and Computer Lab are equipped with Smart Board® technology, projectors, and PCs with internet access.


The Human Performance Laboratory is the primary research and student clinical-learning setting for exercise physiology. This laboratory contains the necessary equipment to perform all the classical physiological measurements during exercise including a Sensor Medics metabolic cart for cardiopulmonary/ECG exercise testing, treadmills and several cycle ergometers for aerobic exercise testing, a Biodex™ Isokinetic Dynamometer and a Biodex™ Balance Assessment System, an AMTI™ force plate designed to measure forces and moments used in research and clinical studies looking at balance, gait, and sports performance. The lab is equipped with a state-of-the-art Hologic™ dual x-ray absorptiometer (DXA) for estimating body composition and bone density and Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA) measurements for the measurement of body composition and total body water.

The Department Weight-Room contains resistance exercise testing and training devices to test muscular strength and endurance with single-and multi-joint exercises and the Gymnasiums are available for class and lab instruction that provide students the opportunity to work with the latest exercise-related tests and equipment.

The Molecular and Biochemistry Exercise Research Laboratory is equipped with a number of biochemistry analyzers that can assay muscle tissue and various substrates, hormones, and gene expression (e.g., microplate reader, electrophoresis, real-time PCR, etc.). This lab has the capacity to conduct a vast array of biochemical and molecular biology techniques used in exercise physiology and nutrition research.